North Carolina
Statistics on children, youth and families in North Carolina from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and NC Child
Children age 1 to 2 found to have elevated blood lead levels in North Carolina
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Definition and Source
Percent of children age 1 to 2 found to have elevated blood lead levels.
This indicator measures the percentage of children in the target population tested for lead poisoning within the calendar year. The target population is determined by the number of live births in preceding years.
Prior to 2013, elevated blood lead levels refer to children receiving two consecutive blood lead test results of greater than 10 micrograms per deciliter within a six-month period.
Starting July 5, 2012, the CDC lowered its reference value to 5 micrograms per deciliter. Data reflecting the new standard are reported in the indicator with 2013–2019 data.
Therefore, data from 1995–2012 are not compatible with the data from 2013–2019, and the two data sets should not be compared.
This indicator measures the percentage of children in the target population tested for lead poisoning within the calendar year. The target population is determined by the number of live births in preceding years.
Prior to 2013, elevated blood lead levels refer to children receiving two consecutive blood lead test results of greater than 10 micrograms per deciliter within a six-month period.
Starting July 5, 2012, the CDC lowered its reference value to 5 micrograms per deciliter. Data reflecting the new standard are reported in the indicator with 2013–2019 data.
Therefore, data from 1995–2012 are not compatible with the data from 2013–2019, and the two data sets should not be compared.
Although data are no longer being collected for the indicator covering this time frame, the data presented in the indicator may benefit those wishing to examine trends over time.
Data accessed June 2018.
Data accessed June 2018.
Last Updated
June 2018