District of Columbia
Statistics on children, youth and families in Washington, D.C. from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and DC Action
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Definition and Source
(Currency) Median annual income, in inflation-adjusted dollars
Data Source
U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates, Tables B19113B-I
Because of the way census reports race/ethnicity for this measure, all groups except for "white" can overlap with "Hispanic." So the "white" group is people who are white and not-Hispanic (and if someone identifies as both white and Latino they will be counted as Hispanic), but if someone identifies as both Black and Latino they will be included in both groups.
Note that in some cases a fairly small population means that the confidence interval for these values is quite large (meaning that the actual value could be much larger or smaller than what's shown). For example, in 2018 the confidence interval for the income of Black families in Ward 3 is plus-or-minus 44,900. Where the confidence interval is at least half the actual value, the value is omitted (e.g. if the value is estimated to be $100,000 and the confidence interval is $50,000, the income will be listed as NA).
Once a group's income gets to $250,000, the Census Bureau no longer reports a specific estimate, but rather "250,000+".
Updated December 2024
Last Updated
December 2024