Statistics on children, youth and families in California from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Children Now
Children in the child welfare system who had a timely medical exam in California
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Definition and Source
Data analyzed from Timely Health/Dental Exams. Figures are taken from December 2022 and may differ slightly from updated CCWIP figures.
Data Source
Webster, D., Lee, S., Dawson, W., Magruder, J., Exel, M., Cuccaro-Alamin, S., Putnam-Hornstein, E., Wiegmann, W., Saika, G., Courtney, M., Eastman, A.L., Hammond, I., Gomez, A., Prakash, A., Sunaryo, E., Guo, S., Berwick, H., Hoerl, C., Yee, H., Flamson, T., Gonzalez, A., Ensele, P., Nevin, J., & Guinan, B. (2022). CCWIP reports.
Asterisks (*)
An asterisk indicates that data should be interpreted with caution. Asterisks were used to note low number of events (fewer than 10) or unstable data with large confidence intervals. Data or estimates with low numbers and large confidence intervals indicate that a data point may not be a true representation of the larger population.
Last Updated
January 2024