Statistics on children, youth and families in California from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Children Now
Students who reported feeling connected to their school by race/ethnicity in California
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Definition and Source
Data provided and prepared by CalSCHLS Staff through a special request. State- and County-Level Trends on School Connectedness Among 9th and 11th Grade Students, 2013-2021.
The Asian category includes Asian, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. The Other category includes American-Indian or Alaska Native and Mixed (two or more) Races.
Data Source
California School Climate, Health, and Learning Surveys (n.d). Secondary Student Survey 2013 – 2021.
As of uploading, statewide figures for 2021 had not yet been reported.
NA (Not Available)
Data that are not available are noted as NA. The most
frequent reasons for using the NA annotation include the unavailability of
longitudinal data, data suppression from the original data source due to a low
number event, or statistically unstable estimates.
Last Updated