Change Indicator

Grandparents living with and responsible for their own grandchildren in New Mexico

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Why This Indicator Matters

Children may live with and be the financial responsibility of their grandparents for a number of reasons: their parents may be present in the household but not working or not able to work, or the parents may not be present in the household. Being financially responsible for a grandchild can put an economic strain on grandparents, especially if they are living on a fixed income. Also, children of grandparents who have not been made legal guardians of the child or children, may be unable to receive benefits such as SNAP or Medicaid for which they would otherwise qualify.
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Definition and Source



The number and percentage of grandparents living with and responsible for their own grandchildren under 18 years of age. The percentage is the number of  grandparents living with and responsible for their own grandchildren divided by the total number of grandparents in New Mexico.

Data Source

U.S. Census, American Community Survey, 1-year estimates, Table B10050.


County-level data available by request.

New Mexico state-level data typically are from the American Community Survey 1-year estimates. As a result of COVID-19 data collection challenges, the 2020 New Mexico state-level data are 5-year estimates and not comparable to other years.

Last Updated

December 2023