United States
Children in Title I schools by race and ethnicity in United States
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Definition and Source
The number of children in pre-k through 12th grade who are served in public, Title I, Part A school-
wide programs or targeted assistance schools at anytime during the regular school year by race and ethnicity.
Title I schools with percentages of students from low-income families of at least 40 percents may use
Title 1 funds, along with other Federal, State, and local funds, to operate a school-wide program to
upgrade the instructional program for the whole school.
Title I schools with less than 40 percent school-wide threshold or that choose not to operate a
school-wide program offer a "targets assistance program" in which the school identifies students who
are failing, or at risk of failing, to meet the state's academic achievement standards.
This measure does not include adult participants of adult literacy programs, private school students,
or students served in Part A local neglected programs.
This measure does not include reports of American Indian or Alaska Native students as collected by the Bureau of Indian Education. These data are available through the Consolidated State Performance Report.
wide programs or targeted assistance schools at anytime during the regular school year by race and ethnicity.
Title I schools with percentages of students from low-income families of at least 40 percents may use
Title 1 funds, along with other Federal, State, and local funds, to operate a school-wide program to
upgrade the instructional program for the whole school.
Title I schools with less than 40 percent school-wide threshold or that choose not to operate a
school-wide program offer a "targets assistance program" in which the school identifies students who
are failing, or at risk of failing, to meet the state's academic achievement standards.
This measure does not include adult participants of adult literacy programs, private school students,
or students served in Part A local neglected programs.
This measure does not include reports of American Indian or Alaska Native students as collected by the Bureau of Indian Education. These data are available through the Consolidated State Performance Report.
Data Source
Source: Department of Education EDFacts/Consolidated State Performance Report:
Data accessible at: https://eddataexpress.ed.gov/
Data accessible at: https://eddataexpress.ed.gov/
Updated July 2021
N.A.: Data are not available
S: Data are suppressed
N.A.: Data are not available
S: Data are suppressed
Last Updated
July 2021