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Students enrolled in the free & reduced price school meals program in Vermont

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Percent of public school children approved for free and reduced price school meals in public schools offering the National School Lunch Program, as percent of total public school student enrollment. Eligibility is based on household income.  Eligibility guidelines are published annually by the Vermont Agency of Education.  Children are eligible for free school lunches if their household income does not exceed 130% of the federal poverty threshold, and children are eligible for reduced-price lunch if their family income falls between 130%-185% of the federal poverty threshold.  This data is inclusive of both categories.  Since the 2013 school year, meals in the reduced-price category are reimbursable to schools and are available at no-cost to students. 

Data Source

Vermont Agency of Education, Child Nutrition Programs, Annual Statistical Reports.


Data represents eligibility and enrollment in October of the school year shown.  School years are indicated by the fall term of the school year, for example, 2021-2022 data is represented as 2021.

For year prior to 2008, please see Students enrolled in the free & reduced price school meals program, 2000-2007 series on the KIDS COUNT Data Center.  Collection methodology for these two date ranges differs; data from 2000-2007 and 2008 forward is not directly comparable. 

Last Updated

December 2023