South Carolina
Statistics on children, youth and families in South Carolina from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Children's Trust of South Carolina
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Definition and Source
Total number of referrals for child abuse investigations categorized by type of decision (number that were accepted and number that were indicated) as reported by the S.C. Department of Social Services Child and Adult Protective Services System (CAPSS).
Data Source
S.C. Department of Social Services:
Data Represents SC State Fiscal Year, July-June.
Decisions for CPS Referrals:
- Total Intakes = Total Referrals
- Accepted = Referred for Investigation
- Indicated = Founded Investigations
State total includes any of the following locations not enumerated in the county data:
Last updated February 2023.
- IFCCS - Charleston
- IFCCS - Rock Hill
- State Office
Last Updated
March 2023