District of Columbia
Statistics on children, youth and families in Washington, D.C. from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and DC Action
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Definition and Source
Data Source
Office of the State Superintendent of Education, October Audited Enrollment Data, including students for whom residency was not verified (note that these counts are different than the school report card data because the latter cover any point in the school year and therefore students who switch schools may be counted multiple times). Starting in FY22 (the 2021-22 school year) the totals reported here are the sum of what OSSE lists for elementary and secondary (prior to that year OSSE did not make that distinction).
*2001-02 Audit report did not differentiate between residency and non-residency verified.
*2001-02 Audit report did not differentiate between residency and non-residency verified.
Updated June 2024
Last Updated
June 2024