Change Indicator

Foster care discharges to permanency in Virginia

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Definition and Source



Data represent the number and percent of youth discharged from foster care to a permanent custody placement.  Permanent placements include reunification with birth parent, adoption, or transfer of custody to a relative.

The reporting year refers to the state fiscal year.  Virginia’s fiscal year (FY) begins on July 1 and ends on June 30. For example, 7/1/08 through 6/30/09 is FY 2009.

Data Source

Virginia Department of Social Services


NA appears in the percent column for localities that had no discharges of any type in that year.

Note: In many Virginia localities, the number of foster care discharges is quite small.  As a result, percent calculations may vary widely across localities or within the same locality over time.  Data consumers are urged to use caution when interpreting or reproducing percentages for this indicator, particularly for those localities with smaller or supressed counts.  Numbers are suppressed when less than 10.

Last updated: October 2021

Last Updated

October 2021