Statistics on children, youth and families in Pennsylvania from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children
Head Start - Number of children served by program in Pennsylvania
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Why This Indicator Matters
Head Start is the national commitment to give every low-income child, regardless of circumstances at birth, an opportunity to succeed in school and in life. In the 50 years since its inception, Head Start has improved the lives of more than 32 million children and their families. In addition to life and school preparedness, Head Start is also the nation’s laboratory for early learning innovation. It offers a unique whole child/whole family program design coupled with a delivery system that includes local programs, national standards, monitoring, professional development, and family engagement. The commonwealth, through the Head Start Supplemental, creates new slots to supplement the resources provided through this federal program and to further reduce the unmet need felt in rural, suburban, and urban communities.
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Definition and Source
Early Head Start begins to serve families during pregnancy and continues through the program year in which a child turns three. Early Head Start is a federally funded program.
Head Start - Federal and Head Start - State (also known as Head Start Supplemental) serve children ages 3 years to kindergarten.
Head Start - Federal and Head Start - State (also known as Head Start Supplemental) serve children ages 3 years to kindergarten.
Data Source
Pennsylvania Departments of Education and Human Services, Office of Child Development and Early Learning.
(2018-19) PA Head Start State Collaboration Office, Pennsylvania Departments of Education and Human Services, Office of Child Development and Early Learning, PA Head Start Association.
(2018-19) PA Head Start State Collaboration Office, Pennsylvania Departments of Education and Human Services, Office of Child Development and Early Learning, PA Head Start Association.
Data by Program is not available for 2004-05 and 2005-06.
2018-19 county-level data for Total, Early Head Start and Head Start - federal will not equal the statewide total due to varying data sources.
2018-19 county-level data for Total, Early Head Start and Head Start - federal will not equal the statewide total due to varying data sources.
Last Updated
January 2021