District of Columbia
Statistics on children, youth and families in Washington, D.C. from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and DC Action
Unemployment by ward (by fiscal year, through 2020) in District of Columbia
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Definition and Source
(Percent) Annual unemployment rate for DC and each ward for each fiscal year
Data Source
DC Department of Employment Services statistics
Because initial annual unemployment rate numbers are preliminary and subject to revision as more data are received by BLS, the source for each year is the most recent DOES publication covering that year. For most years the ward-specific data are pulled from does.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/does/page_content/attachments/2002-2016%20Unemployment%20Rate%20by%20Ward%20Annual%20Averages.pdf. Citywide numbers and ward-specific numbers for more recent years are pulled from the most recent annual reports linked to through does.dc.gov/page/labor-statistics (with the 2019 report being available at does.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/does/publication/attachments/DOES%20ANNUAL%20REPORT%202019%20WEB%20%28reduced%29.pdf and the 2020 report at https://does.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/does/publication/attachments/DOES%20Talent%20Forward%20DC-%20Annual%20Economic%20and%20Workforce%20Report%20FY2020.pdf).
Last Updated December 2021
Last Updated
December 2021