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On time graduation in Hawaii

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Definition and Source



Percentage of students who graduated within four years of the first time the students entered the 9th grade

Data Source

Hawaii State Department of Education. "School Status and Improvement Report" (SSIR), various years, various districts. Accountability Section, Assessment and Accountability Branch, Office of Strategy, Innovation and Performance, Honolulu, HI. Accessed on June 16, 2024.

Technical Notes:
Special schools (e.g., Hawaii School for the Deaf and Blind) and charter schools are excluded from the estimates due to missing data.

Due to a change in methodology of the DOE starting in 2010, data for on time graduation rate from the DOE for years prior to 2010 cannot be compared with estimates for 2010 and later.

Each year's on-time graduation rate is based on a cohort of first-time 9th graders in the school year represented by the graduating year minus three. Students who transfer out of state or to another county during the four years are not counted in county rate calculations. Students who transfer-in after the official enrollment rosters are established in the 9th grade cohort's year are not added to the cohort. Hawaii data should not be compared to national data that the National Center for Educational Statistics provides because of the different methodologies used in calculations. The Hawaii State Department of Education only provides county level data and therefore the state level estimates are derived by aggregating the county level estimates.

Education indicators based HI DOE data provided by the School Status and Improvement Reports (SSIR) are aggregated from the school level to county and state, which differs from the indicators based on data provided by the Trend Reports, which are aggregated from the complex level to the county and state. 


Last Updated

August 2024