Change Indicator

Student inhalant use in Vermont

  • Detailed

Definition and Source



This indicator represents the percent of students who reported ever using inhalants. 

Data Source


The Vermont Youth Risk Behavior Survey is a biennial, voluntary survey of students attending middle and high schools in Vermont.  The survey seeks to monitor trends in student health and risk behaviors.  The indicators as a whole reflect a broad definition of youth well-being.  Not only do the indicators monitor behaviors associated with negative health and psychological outcomes, but they also measure "developmental assets" - internal resources and skills, as well as community, school, and other institutional supports.  These assets foster the development of thriving young adults. 

Note: Prior to 2011, the survey was completed by students in grades 8-12.  In 2011, the survey split into a high school survey (students in grades 9-12) and a middle school survey (students in grades 6-8).  Beginning in 2011, the data here represents students in grades 9-12 who completed the survey.  Comparisons should not be made between 2011 and prior years, since prior to 2011 the sample included students in grades 8-12.

Last Updated

December 2023