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Median family (with child) income in South Carolina

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Median annual income for families with own children under age 18 living in the household.  "Own children" include the householder's (head of the household) children by birth, marriage, or adoption.  The median income is the dollar amount that divides the income distribution into two equal groups--half with income above the median, half with income below it.


Although overlapping 5-year time periods are shown for this indicator, the Census Bureau suggests comparing periods that do not overlap—for example, comparing 2010–2014 estimates with 2016–2020 estimates. This means waiting longer to identify a trend. However, in areas undergoing fundamental shifts in the size or composition of the population, change may be so substantial that it will be obvious after only a few years. For more information on making comparisons with ACS multi-year estimates, see Appendix 1 of ACS General Handbook

Last Updated

December 2023