Rhode Island
Statistics on children, youth and families in Rhode Island from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Rhode Island KIDS COUNT
Children who are Multilingual/English Language Learners in Rhode Island
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Definition and Source
Multilingual Learners/English Learners is the percentage of all public school children (preschool through grade 12)
who are receiving Multilingual Learner/English Learner services in Rhode Island public schools.
who are receiving Multilingual Learner/English Learner services in Rhode Island public schools.
Data Source
Rhode Island Department of Education.
Each reported year represents a school year. The percentage of English Language Learners (ELL) is based on the total number of ELL divided by the "average daily membership," as of June of the given year. Percentages for previous years were based on the total number of ELL divided by total enrollment as of October of the given year. Students who are not yet fully English proficient but have exited the ESL or bilingual program to regular education are not included in these numbers.
Last Updated
July 2024