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Adolescents adjudicated for felonies in Ohio

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The number of youths under age 18 adjudicated for felony-level offenses.  The rate is the number of adjudications per 1,000 youths in the population.


Data Source

Ohio Department of Youth Services, Profile of Youth Adjudicated or Committed for Felony Offenses: Fiscal Year 2022. Online. Available at: Profile of Youth Adjudicated or Committed for Felony Offenses



The Profile of Youth Adjudicated or Committed for Felony Offenses profiles the youth adjudicated in Ohio’s juvenile courts, excluding revocations. In this report, each youth is counted once per year per adjudicating county, regardless of the number of adjudications or DYS felony commitments. Since a youth may be committed to a DYS facility at a later date than their adjudication, adjudications and DYS felony commitments are counted separately in the fiscal year in which they occurred. Only 

Last Updated

December 2023