Statistics on children, youth and families in Minnesota from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Children's Defense Fund–Minnesota
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Definition and Source
Children who spent time in foster care, group homes, emergency shelter or residential treatment facilities during the year, including those formally placed with relatives.
N.A.: Not Applicable; some counties do not serve as a placement agency and rely on a multi-county agency to manage placements, to see data for these agencies please access the full report linked in the source section. Faribault and Martin counties share placement administration, data for these counties reflects number for both counties combined.
N.A.: Not Applicable; some counties do not serve as a placement agency and rely on a multi-county agency to manage placements, to see data for these agencies please access the full report linked in the source section. Faribault and Martin counties share placement administration, data for these counties reflects number for both counties combined.
Data Source
Minnesota Department of Human Services. Minnesota’s Child Minnesota’s Out-of-home Care and Permanency (Report changed in 2015 from Minnesota’s Child Welfare Report)
Available: County Reports and Results (state.mn.us)
Available: County Reports and Results (state.mn.us)
Number listed under Faribault County and Martin County is a combined figure representing the sum of cases in both counties.
Last Updated
December 2023