Statistics on children, youth and families in Michigan from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Michigan League for Public Policy
Confirmed victims of abuse and/or neglect, ages birth to 17 in Michigan
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Why This Indicator Matters
Definition and Source
Data Source
Population estimates are from the Census Bureau.
Michigan saw a decline in out-of-home placement, investigations, and confirmed reports of abuse and neglect during the pandemic. We believe this to be a result of underreporting as opposed to a true reduction in child abuse and neglect. With kids engaged in remote schooling and families skipping medical check-ups, children may have lost valuable opportunities to interact with mandated reporters, meaning some instances of abuse and neglect may have never been reported or investigated.
The numbers for Wexford/Missaukee are combined for 1998-2009. Grand Traverse/Leelanau are combined from 2003-09. Mecosta and Osceola are combined for 2001-07. In 1999 numbers for Alger/Marquette and Houghton/Keweenaw were combined.
Data for 2008 were found to be unreliable and have been removed.
Detroit and Flint data for 2017 were revised on 4/18/2019.Data for 2010-2012, Grand Traverse, Leelanau, Missaukee and Wexford counties were revised on 3/19/20. Data for 2010, Presque Isle county was also revised.
City-level data prior to 2021 were found to be unreliable due to discrepancies within city population counts and have been removed.
Last Updated