Statistics on children, youth and families in Maine from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Maine Children's Alliance
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Why This Indicator Matters
Median household income is frequently used to compare economic status and living standards between different cities, states, or countries. On an individual household level, household income is used to determine if a household can afford to make payments on a mortgage on a home.
What the data shows
Between 2019-2022, the state's median household income increased $10,661 to $69,485. or an 18% increase in 3 years. Just between 2021 and 2022, the state median household income increased $4,662.
In 2022, the rural counties of Aroostook, Piscataquis and Franklin Counties had median household incomes less than $53,000. The two counties with the highest median household incomes in 2022, Cumberland and York Counties were between $88,571 and $81,315 respectively..
Between 2019 (pre-pandemic) and 2022, every county except Franklin saw gains of at least $3,890 in median household income and seven counties had gains of over $10,000. The counties with the largest increases in median household income between 2019 and 2022 were: Lincoln (+$14,038), Cumberland (+$13,317) and Waldo (+$12,546). By contrast, in Franklin County median household income only went us $1,023.
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What the data shows
Between 2019-2022, the state's median household income increased $10,661 to $69,485. or an 18% increase in 3 years. Just between 2021 and 2022, the state median household income increased $4,662.
In 2022, the rural counties of Aroostook, Piscataquis and Franklin Counties had median household incomes less than $53,000. The two counties with the highest median household incomes in 2022, Cumberland and York Counties were between $88,571 and $81,315 respectively..
Between 2019 (pre-pandemic) and 2022, every county except Franklin saw gains of at least $3,890 in median household income and seven counties had gains of over $10,000. The counties with the largest increases in median household income between 2019 and 2022 were: Lincoln (+$14,038), Cumberland (+$13,317) and Waldo (+$12,546). By contrast, in Franklin County median household income only went us $1,023.
Definition and Source
The estimated median household income is the dollar amount that divides the income distribution into two equal groups - half with income above the median and half with income below the median.
Data Source
All estimates are from the Census SAIPE (Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates)
SAIPE Data This is one-year data, with the most recent year being 2022, not 5-year American Community Survey that is often used for county data.
SAIPE Data This is one-year data, with the most recent year being 2022, not 5-year American Community Survey that is often used for county data.
Household income considers the incomes of all persons 15 years or older occupying the same housing unit, regardless of if they are related. A single person occupying a dwelling by himself is also considered a household. Non-cash benefits such as SNAP are not included as income.
Last Updated
December 2023