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Home Visiting Services, by County in Colorado

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The number of children who received home visiting services within the given fiscal year (FY). 
Data includes children who received the following home visiting models: Parents as Teachers (PAT), Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY), Home based Head Start, Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP), Child First, Family Connects, Baby Bear Hugs, Safecare, Healthy Steps, Healthy Families America.

Data Source

Parent Possible.


Data from Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) are shared at the site level, many of which serve multiple counties. Parent Possible estimates the number of children served within a single county by determining  each individual county's proportion of births to first-time mothers earning below $25,000/year. Children served by a multi-level site are then allocated to various counties based on this population proportion. 

Last Updated

December 2024