South Carolina
Statistics on children, youth and families in South Carolina from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Children's Trust of South Carolina
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Definition and Source
Total number of children in foster care by age group at the end of each state fiscal year as reported by the S.C. Department of Social Services Office of Case Management.
Data Source
S.C. Department of Social Services, Office of Case Management (most recent report): Total Children in Foster Care on June 30, 2021 - County of Origin.
Note: Regional totals in this table were assigned to the appropriate county through a special tabulation by the S.C. Department of Social Services, Statistical Design and Analysis Accountability, Data, and Research Division.
State totals in this table do not include persons over age 18.
Note: Regional totals in this table were assigned to the appropriate county through a special tabulation by the S.C. Department of Social Services, Statistical Design and Analysis Accountability, Data, and Research Division.
State totals in this table do not include persons over age 18.
Data Represents SC State Fiscal Year, July-June.
Last updated February 2023.
Last updated February 2023.
Last Updated
March 2023