Statistics on children, youth and families in Maine from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Maine Children's Alliance
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Why This Indicator Matters
Having a healthy pregnancy is one of the best ways to promote a healthy birth. Getting early and regular prenatal care improves the chances of a healthy pregnancy. Having prenatal care begin in the first trimester also reduces the likelihood of having a low-birth weight baby.
Importance of early and adequate prenatal care (Healthy People 2030)
What the data shows
In 2023, the national rate of receiving prenatal care in the first trimester was 75.2%, while in Maine the rate was 84.1%.
In 2023, the rates of receiving prenatal care in the first trimester varied between a high of 90% in Lincoln compared to a low of 77.5% in Penobscot County.
March of Dimes Prenatal Care
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Importance of early and adequate prenatal care (Healthy People 2030)
What the data shows
In 2023, the national rate of receiving prenatal care in the first trimester was 75.2%, while in Maine the rate was 84.1%.
In 2023, the rates of receiving prenatal care in the first trimester varied between a high of 90% in Lincoln compared to a low of 77.5% in Penobscot County.
March of Dimes Prenatal Care
Definition and Source
The number and percent of live births for which the mother began receiving prenatal care during the first three months of pregnancy. The numerator is the number of mothers that received prenatal care in the first trimester and the denominator is the total number of live births per county.
New series started in 2021 as methodology has changed.
Last Updated
January 2025