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Households with children who have little or no confidence in their ability to pay their next rent or mortgage payment on time by race and ethnicity in United States

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Definition and Source



The percentage of households with children birth to age 17 with slight or no confidence in paying next rent or mortgage payment on time. Only respondents who provided a valid response are included.

Racial and ethnic groups represented in this table are not mutually exclusive. The white category includes only non-Hispanic white. The categories Black or African American, Asian, two or more races and other race include both Hispanic and non-Hispanic. Those in the Hispanic or Latino category include those identified as being of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin. American Indian or Alaska Native, Pacific Islander and Native Hawaiian are included in the other race category.

Data Source

Population Reference Bureau analysis of the U.S. Census Bureau, Household Pulse Survey, 2020-2022


Updated June 2022
S - Estimates suppressed when the effective sample size is less than 30 or the 90% confidence interval is greater than 30 percentage points or 1.3 times the estimate. 
A 90 percent confidence interval for each estimate can be found at Households with children who have little or no confidence in their ability to pay their next rent or mortgage payment on time by race and ethnicity.

Last Updated

June 2022