Statistics on children, youth and families in Maine from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Maine Children's Alliance
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Why This Indicator Matters
According to the Center for Disease Control, "Giving birth during the teen years has been linked with increased medical risks and emotional, social, and financial costs to the mother and her children. Becoming a teen mom affects whether the mother finishes high school, goes to college, and the type of job she will get, especially for younger teens ages 15 to 17." For more info, CDC Parenting and young teens
What the data shows
In 2022, of the 12,087 births in Maine, 323 were to females ages 10 to19, or 2.7% of all births. This was an increase from 2021 when there were 301 births, but still lower than all other previous years.
In 2022, the counties with the highest rate of births to females under age 20 were Washington, Somerset and Franklin with rates of 8.8%, 6.5% and 4.5% of all births respectively. By contrast, the rate in Cumberland County for teen births was 1.0% and both York and Sagadahoc had 2.3 percent of all births in the counties were to teens. York had the most at 43 births; Penobscot was second at 37 births and Kennebec was third at 36 births to teenage mothers. In 5 counties, the numbers and the rates were suppressed since there were fewer than 6 births to females under age 20.
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What the data shows
In 2022, of the 12,087 births in Maine, 323 were to females ages 10 to19, or 2.7% of all births. This was an increase from 2021 when there were 301 births, but still lower than all other previous years.
In 2022, the counties with the highest rate of births to females under age 20 were Washington, Somerset and Franklin with rates of 8.8%, 6.5% and 4.5% of all births respectively. By contrast, the rate in Cumberland County for teen births was 1.0% and both York and Sagadahoc had 2.3 percent of all births in the counties were to teens. York had the most at 43 births; Penobscot was second at 37 births and Kennebec was third at 36 births to teenage mothers. In 5 counties, the numbers and the rates were suppressed since there were fewer than 6 births to females under age 20.
Definition and Source
The number and percent of births to females under age 20. This data is reported as a percent of all live births. Births are reported by the mother's place of residence at the time of the birth.
The numerator is the number of births to females ages 10 to 19 and the denominator is the number of births by females of any age. If there are 5 or fewer teen births, but the number and the percent are suppressed, and represented by an s.
The numerator is the number of births to females ages 10 to 19 and the denominator is the number of births by females of any age. If there are 5 or fewer teen births, but the number and the percent are suppressed, and represented by an s.
Data Source
Beginning with 2018, data is reported for females age 10 to 19 who give birth. Marital status is not included.
Last Updated
February 2024