Statistics on children, youth and families in Montana from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Montana Budget & Policy Center
Percent of all infants and toddlers that can be served by regulated child care capacity in Montana
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Definition and Source
Percent of all infants (age birth to 1) that can be served by the regulated child care capacity. Percent is calculated as: child care capacity/population age birth to 1.
Types of regulated facilities included in the total: Child Care Center, Group Child Care, Family Friend Neighbor, Relative Care Exempt, Legally Certified Care (In Home), and Legally Certified Care. Note: Legally Certified Care (In Home) and Legally Certified Care types ended in 9/30/19. Relative Care Exempt and Family Friend Neighbor types began 10/1/19. Head Start programs that are state licensed are included in the capacity count.
Not all infants and toddlers need child care, so this percentage is not expected to be 100%. However, this measure provides context for how many children age birth to 1 could be served by the regulated capacity for infants/toddlers.
Types of regulated facilities included in the total: Child Care Center, Group Child Care, Family Friend Neighbor, Relative Care Exempt, Legally Certified Care (In Home), and Legally Certified Care. Note: Legally Certified Care (In Home) and Legally Certified Care types ended in 9/30/19. Relative Care Exempt and Family Friend Neighbor types began 10/1/19. Head Start programs that are state licensed are included in the capacity count.
Not all infants and toddlers need child care, so this percentage is not expected to be 100%. However, this measure provides context for how many children age birth to 1 could be served by the regulated capacity for infants/toddlers.
Data Source
Child care capacity: Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Early Childhood and Family Support Division
Population age birth to 1: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Estimates Program
Population age birth to 1: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Estimates Program
DATE - Child care capacity matches data for state fiscal year (July-June). Population estimates are for the vintage year prior matching the beginning of the state fiscal year. Example: 2020 data matches state fiscal year 2020 (July 2019-June 2020) and population estimates from 2019.
Last Updated
December 2024