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Total resident births by race in Alaska

Total resident births by race

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Definition and Source



Number and percent of live births to residents per year by race 
Beginning in 2013, Alaska birth certificates allow for one or more races to be identified.  We use a prioritized race classification starting with any mention of Alaska Native, followed by any mention of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, then by any mention of Black or African American, then by any mention of Asian, and ending with any mention of White.  All other or unknown races are excluded.  This method is preferred over the race alone or bridged race methods because the denominators more closely align with the preceding years.  It also eliminates the chance of including the same person in 2 or more races.

Data Source

Alaska Section of Health Analytics and Vital Records


NA: Not Available   Prior to 2013, Asian and Pacific Islander categories were combined.

Last Updated

September 2024