Statistics on children, youth and families in Nevada from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Children's Advocacy Alliance
Cases resulting in delinquent findings 2009-2014 (ages 8-17) in Nevada
Cases resulting in delinquent findings 2009-2014 (ages 8-17)
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Definition and Source
“Youth are judged or found to be ‘delinquent’ during adjudicatory hearings in juvenile court. Being found (or adjudicated) delinquent is roughly equivalent to bring [sic] convicted in criminal court. It is a formal legal finding of responsibility. If found to be delinquent youth normally proceed to disposition hearings where they may be placed on probation, committed to residential facilities, be ordered to perform community service, or various other sanctions.”
Data Source
Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child Family Services, Juvenile Justice Programs Office.
Last Updated
February 2017