Change Indicator

Confirmed victims of abuse and/or neglect ages birth to 17 by race in Michigan

Confirmed victims of abuse and/or neglect ages birth to 17 by race

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Definition and Source



The number is an unduplicated count of confirmed victims of abuse and/or neglect ages birth to 17, by race. Ethnicity is not specified; each race group includes Hispanics and non-Hispanics.

The rate is per 1,000 population ages birth to 17 for the defined race group.

The defined populations by race are not available for Detroit; Detroit has counts of victims but no rates.

Data Source

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Children's Protective Services.


The FY2014 and FY2015 data are not displayed due to a large number of 'unknown' or blank race codes. Unknown race accounted for only 1% of all victims during FY09-FY13, but increased to 9.7% in FY14 and 15.4% in FY15.

NA: Not Available; S: Data Suppressed.


Last Updated

January 2023