Change Indicator

Students who reported they did not experience chronic sadness/hopelessness by race/ethnicity in California

Students who reported they did not experience chronic sadness/hopelessness by race/ethnicity

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Definition and Source



The Asian category includes Asian, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. The Other category includes American-Indian or Alaska Native and Mixed (two or more) Races.

Data Source

California School Climate, Health, and Learning Surveys (n.d). Secondary Student Survey 2013 – 19.

Data provided and prepared by CalSCHLS Staff through a special request. Percent of 9th and 11th Grade Students who Reported "No" to Chronic Sad or Hopeless Feelings During the Past 12 Months by State and County, 2013-2019. Numbers and percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number.

For information on this indicator’s methodology, please contact the California Health Interview Survey.


Data that are not available are noted as NA. The most frequent reasons for NAs include the unavailability of longitudinal data, fewer than 10 cases (low number events), and statistically unstable estimates. Data that are created from a 3-year average or a larger confidence interval are noted with an asterisk (*).

Last Updated

February 2021