Change Indicator

Students not suspended for "disruption or defiance" by race/ethnicity in California

Students not suspended for "disruption or defiance" by race/ethnicity

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Definition and Source



Data are suppressed where there are 10 or fewer students to protect student privacy. 

The Asian category includes Asian, Pacific Islander, and Filipino. The Other category includes American Indian or Alaska Native and Two or More Races.

Data Source

California Department of Education, DataQuest (n.d.). School Climate Data – Suspension and Expulsion Data 2015-16 – 2016-19 and 2020-21 – 2021-22.



NA (Not Available)

Data that are not available are noted as NA. The most frequent reasons for using the NA annotation include the unavailability of longitudinal data, data suppression from the original data source due to a low number event, or statistically unstable estimates.

Last Updated

January 2024