Statistics on children, youth and families in Ohio from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Children's Defense Fund–Ohio
Definition and Source
A count of all persons under the age of 18 within a state or county.
Data Source
United States Census Bureau, Census Population Estimates Program (2019). Online. Available: https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/time-series/demo/popest/2010s-counties-total.html
Available online from https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/time-series/demo/popest/2010s-counties-total.html, following release by the U.S. Census Bureau of the unbridged Vintage 2019 postcensal estimates by 5-year age group on June 26, 2015. [Retrieved 6/29/2020]
Available online from https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/time-series/demo/popest/2010s-counties-total.html, following release by the U.S. Census Bureau of the unbridged Vintage 2019 postcensal estimates by 5-year age group on June 26, 2015. [Retrieved 6/29/2020]
Special note for 2010: Ohio’s KIDS COUNT typically uses July 1 population estimates from the Population Estimate Program (PEP). However, due to the 2010 decennial census, July 1 estimates for 2010 were not calculated by the Census at the time of the Data Book's printing. 2010 Child Population data from U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Decennial Census, File QT-PL Race, Hispanic or Latino, Age, and Housing Occupancy: 2010. Extracted from The American Factfinder at http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/index.xhtml.
Last Updated
December 2023