Change Indicator

Uninsured children (5-year average) in Washington

Uninsured children (5-year average)

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Definition and Source



Children under 19 years of age who were not covered by health insurance.

Data note: Series with years ending through 2016 measured the percentage under age 18, while series ending with a year on or after 2017 reflect the percentage of children under age 19 who were not covered by health insurance.

Data Source

The U.S. Census Bureau's American Fact Finder, American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates. Data were retrieved in July 2024 from: (Table S2701).

*Please use these estimates with caution. The total confidence interval (upper bound minus lower bound) of the percent estimate, is 10 percentage points or greater, which indicates that this estimate has a large margin of error. This generally occurs when estimate relies on small number of cases. To obtain total confidence interval values around the estimates for this indicator please contact Washington KIDS COUNT.

S: These data have been suppressed because the percent estimates have a total confidence interval of 10 percentage points or greater and/or the counts are 10 or fewer.


Updated July 2024 by Washington KIDS COUNT.

The U.S. Census Bureau often revises previous estimates. Therefore, figures presented here may be different from figures presented elsewhere.  

Health insurance includes private sector insurance generally provided through work, as well as insurance provided through the public sector, such as Medicare and Medicaid. Children receiving health insurance through a variety of new State Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP) are counted as having health insurance. 

The 5-year ACS estimates represent the average characteristics over the 5-year period of time, and therefore are less current than 1-year ACS estimates. However, these estimates are more reliable than 1-year and 3-year ACS estimates because they are based on a larger sample size. The 5-year estimates are also available for all geographic areas because of their sample size, whereas the 3-year  estimates are published for populations of 20,000 or greater, and the 1-year estimates are only published for populations of 65,000 or greater. More information about 1-year versus 3-year versus 5-year ACS surveys and estimates are available online at

Because this data is pooled over a 5-year period, it does not yet reflect the impact of the Affordable Care Act. We suggest viewers to use this current indicator for county-level health insurance coverage in Washington and refer to the National Kids Count data (data with a blue triangle next to it) for more timely state-level coverage. 

Last Updated

July 2024