Change Indicator

Children living in single-parent family households in New Mexico

Children living in single-parent family households

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Definition and Source



Number and percentage of children throughout New Mexico living in a single-parent family or sub-family household.
To derive percentage, the numerator is the number of children living in a family household headed by an individual (either male or female) with no spouse present in the home, regardless of the householder's relationship with the child. The denominator is the number of children under the age of 18, regardless of living arrangements or household status. This indicator includes children not related to the householder but who are in a family household (such as foster children). Single-parent families include cohabiting couples.

Data Source

U.S. Census, American Community Survey, 1-year estimates, Table S0901.


County-level data is available by request.

New Mexico state-level data typically are from the American Community Survey 1-year estimates. As a result of COVID-19 data collection challenges, the 2020 New Mexico state-level data are 5-year estimates and not comparable to other years. 

Last Updated

December 2023