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Families with related children who receive cash assistance in West Virginia

Families with related children who receive cash assistance

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Definition and Source



This is the percentage of families with related children who receive public assistance under the Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) program.

Data Source

(1990) WV Department of Health and Human Resources. Fiscal Year 1988-1989, 1989-1990, 1990-1991 for 1990; unpublished annual bulletin from Office of Audits, Research and Analysis. The source for families with related children for 1990 is from the U.S. Census Bureau, Population and Housing, Data Set: 1990 Summary Tape File 1 (STF 1) - 100 percent data.
(2000) WV Department of Health and Human Resources. Welfare Reform Report to Legislative Oversight. (SFY 2008 to present) WV Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau for Finance, Office of Accountability and Management Reporting. TANF - Cases, Individuals, and Expenditures, Monthly Average for State Fiscal Year


The 1990 trend data is calculated using the percentage of families with related children who received public assistance under the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program. For SFY 2006, total TANF cases were used. Eligibility requirements for AFDC and TANF are different. The number of families with related children for 1990 comes from the 1990 Census; the number of families with related children under 18 is from the Census Bureau. To arrive at the percentage, the total of TANF cases is divided by the number of families with related children under 18 years of age. Families with related children are comprised of married couples with related children, female heads with related children, and male heads with related children. At a state and county level, this background fact is a percentage based on a three-fiscal-year average.

Last Updated

July 2018