Change Indicator

Children in families receiving cash assistance in Rhode Island

Children in families receiving cash assistance

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Definition and Source



Children in families receiving cash assistance is the percentage of children under age 18 who were living in families receiving cash assistance through the Rhode Island Works Program (RI Works). These data measure the number of children and families enrolled in RI Works during the month of December. Children and families who participated in the program at other points in the year but who were not enrolled in that month are not included.

Data Source

Rhode Island Department of Human Services, RI Bridges Database


Data represent the number of children and families enrolled on December 1st of each year. Children and families who participated in the program at other points in the year but were not enrolled on December 1st are not included.

Starting with data for 2011, percentages are based on the Census 2010 population. Percentages for 2001 through 2010 were based on the Census 2000 population. Percentages for years prior to 2001 were calculated using estimates of the population based on the 1990 Census. These changes to the denominator should be noted when looking at trends over time.

Last Updated

July 2024