Statistics on children, youth and families in Pennsylvania from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children
Juvenile Justice - Juvenile court delinquency dispositions by age group in Pennsylvania
Juvenile Justice - Juvenile court delinquency dispositions by age group
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Why This Indicator Matters
[1] Rovner, J. (2024). Youth Justice by the Numbers. The Sentencing Project. https://www.sentencingproject.org/policy-brief/youth-justice-by-the-numbers/
[2] Lantz, B. & Knapp, K.G. (2024). Trends in Juvenile Offending: What You Need to Know. Council on Criminal Justice. https://counciloncj.org/trends-in-juvenile-offending-what-you-need-to-know/#:~:text=Juvenile%2Djuvenile%20co%2Doffending%20was,%2Djuvenile%20offending%20fell%204%25.
Definition and Source
The total number of juvenile court delinquency dispositions by year and age group. A disposition is defined as an allegation of delinquency disposed of by the juvenile probation department and/or the court. This indicator does not reflect the number of children, but rather the number of dispositions for all children in the given year.
Data Source
ND = No Data Available.
Last Updated
January 2024