Change Indicator

Reports of child abuse and neglect in Arizona

Reports of child abuse and neglect

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Definition and Source



Data represents reports appropriate for investigation during the fiscal year by the Child Protective Services Central Registry for children ages 0-17. If more than one report is taken regarding the same incident for the same child/family, it is only counted once in the data shown here. If a report involves several children in the same household, it only counts as one report.

The data for each time frame is reported from October 1 of the previous year to September 30 of the reported year. For example, data for the year 2000, is based on data collected from October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2000.

As a result of SB1518, data is now reported on state fiscal year, thus starting 9/30/18, semi-annual data covers January to June and July to December. Beginning in 2018, the two reports are summed to calculate the reported estimates.

Data Source

Department of Child Safety, Reports, Child Welfare Category, Semi-Annual Child Welfare Reporting Requirements ; Tables 2 & 3 summed for estimates by county; Semi-Annual Comparisons table for state estimate.

Last Updated

November 2024