Statistics on children, youth and families in Minnesota from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Children's Defense Fund–Minnesota
Children receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in Minnesota
Children receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
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Definition and Source
Data through 2004 is an average monthly estimate of children in SNAP caseloads, whereas data from 2005 and thereafter is the average monthly enrollment of actual children receiving SNAP. Year represents average over the the Fiscal Year ending in June of the year listed (for example, 2022 data represents the average monthly enrollment for the fiscal year ending on June 30 of 2022). Numbers for Mille Lacs County and Red Lake do not include the Mille Lacs County Band of Ojibwe or Red Lake Tribes. Not all income-eligible children participate in the program.
N.A.: Not all counties participate in the program.
N.A.: Not all counties participate in the program.
Data Source
Department of Human Services, data requested and obtained by staff.
Last Updated
January 2024