Statistics on children, youth and families in Michigan from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Michigan League for Public Policy
Definition and Source
The percent is based on the 5-year average population for ages birth to 17.
The number represents the 5-year average, ending in the year listed, of children ages birth to 17 living below the poverty level.
The percent is based on the 5-year average population for ages birth to 17.
The number represents the 5-year average, ending in the year listed, of children ages birth to 17 living below the poverty level.
The percent is based on the 5-year average population for ages birth to 17.
The number represents the 5-year average, ending in the year listed, of children ages birth to 17 living below the poverty level.
The percent is based on the 5-year average population for ages birth to 17.
The number represents the 5-year average, ending in the year listed, of children ages birth to 17 living below the poverty level.
The percent is based on the 5-year average population for ages birth to 17.
Data Source
Time comparisons with 5-year estimates is best done without overlapping the years. For example, comparing 2018, 2019 and 2020 5-year estimates is not ideal since the 2020 estimates include 2019 and 2018 in their data estimates. It is better to use something like the 2020 5-year estimates compared with the 2015 estimates, since they do not include any overlapping years.
Last Updated