Statistics on children, youth and families in Colorado from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Colorado Children's Campaign
Definition and Source
The number of children who received home visiting services within the given fiscal year (FY).
Data includes children who received the following home visiting models: Parents as Teachers (PAT), Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY), Home based Head Start, Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP), Child First, Family Connects, Baby Bear Hugs, Safecare, Healthy Steps, Healthy Families America.
Data includes children who received the following home visiting models: Parents as Teachers (PAT), Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY), Home based Head Start, Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP), Child First, Family Connects, Baby Bear Hugs, Safecare, Healthy Steps, Healthy Families America.
Data Source
Parent Possible.
Data from Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) are shared at the site level, many of which serve multiple counties. Parent Possible estimates the number of children served within a single county by determining each individual county's proportion of births to first-time mothers earning below $25,000/year. Children served by a multi-level site are then allocated to various counties based on this population proportion.
Last Updated
December 2024