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Infants fed human milk exclusively in Maine

Infants fed human milk exclusively

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Why This Indicator Matters

Due to significant evidence demonstrating the benefits of human milk for infants (decreased rates of lower respiratory tract infections, severe diarrhea, otitis media, and obesity), the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breast milk feeding through six months of life and continuing for two years or as long as mutually desired. Although most infants receive some breast milk, many are not exclusively breastfeeding or continuing to breastfeed as long as recommended. For more information, see Maine Breastfeeding Report from the United States Breastfeeding Committee

What the data shows
In Maine, in 2022, the percent of infants fed exclusively human milk at 3 months was 50.5% and the percent of infants fed exclusively human milk at 6 months was just over half that at 28.7%. The rate for the younger infants had been as high as 53.7% in 2016, while for older infants, the highest rate was in 2018 at 34.1%. 
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Definition and Source



This indicator shows the percent of infants fed exclusively human milk when they are 3 months of age and at the time they are 6 months of age. The term, "fed human milk", includes breastfeeding, chest feeding and feeding an infant human milk through a bottle. Exclusive means that supplemental formula or other food is not given.

Data Source

Last Updated

April 2024