Statistics on children, youth and families in Wyoming from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Wyoming Community Foundation
Definition and Source
Data is pulled from the Wyoming Prevention Needs Assessment (PNA) Survey. The PNA survey asks respondents: "Sometimes when young people have problems, they talk to an adult. Is there an adult in your community whom you can talk to about your problems?”
These results represent the combined results for all 6th-, 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-grade students. In different survey years, some school districts and schools refused to participate or choose to not survey some of their grade levels (indicated by "N.A." in the tables).
The March 2020 school closures for COVID-19 mitigation efforts interrupted data collection, resulting in lower response rates and less participation than typical survey years. The 2020 survey results are unweighted. Users should be cautious when making comparisons between 2020 and previous survey years.
These results represent the combined results for all 6th-, 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-grade students. In different survey years, some school districts and schools refused to participate or choose to not survey some of their grade levels (indicated by "N.A." in the tables).
The March 2020 school closures for COVID-19 mitigation efforts interrupted data collection, resulting in lower response rates and less participation than typical survey years. The 2020 survey results are unweighted. Users should be cautious when making comparisons between 2020 and previous survey years.
Data Source
Wyoming Prevention Needs Assessment Survey
The Wyoming PNA survey only collects data in even years (i.e., 2018, 2020, 2022, etc.)
N.A.: Not Available
N.A.: Not Available
Last Updated
September 2023