Statistics on children, youth and families in Louisiana from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Agenda for Children
Children age 19 to 35 months completing the child 7-vaccine series in Louisiana
Children age 19 to 35 months completing the child 7-vaccine series
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Definition and Source
Percentage of children age 19-35 months who have completed the child 7-vaccine series.
The 7-vaccine series includes 4 or more doses of DTaP, 3 or more doses of Polio, 1 or more doses of MMR, Hib full series (3 or 4 doses, depending on product type received), 3 or more doses of HepB, 1 or more doses of Varicella, and 4 or more doses of PCV.
The 7-vaccine series includes 4 or more doses of DTaP, 3 or more doses of Polio, 1 or more doses of MMR, Hib full series (3 or 4 doses, depending on product type received), 3 or more doses of HepB, 1 or more doses of Varicella, and 4 or more doses of PCV.
Data Source
Louisiana Department of Health, Office of Public Health, Immunization Program.
Last Updated
December 2023