Statistics on children, youth and families in Maine from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Maine Children's Alliance
Immunizations: Ages 24 months to 35 months, 2017—2023
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Why This Indicator Matters
Vaccines help protect infants, children, and teens from serious diseases. Getting childhood vaccines allows children to develop immunity against diseases before they come into contact with them.
It also helps keep the community safe from these diseases spreading in families, schools, child care and in the broader community. For more info, see CDC Vaccines- Who and when
What the data shows
The most recent childhood immunization state rate of 75.0% in 2023 was an increase from 2019 through 2022 rates but still well below the 2017 state rate of 76.7%. The county with the highest rate in 2023 was Aroostook County at 79.6%. The next two highest counties were Oxford at 79.5% and Franklin at 78.5%. The three lowest counties were Lincoln, Androscoggin, and Piscataquis at 70.0%, 69.8%, and 68.1%, respectively.
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It also helps keep the community safe from these diseases spreading in families, schools, child care and in the broader community. For more info, see CDC Vaccines- Who and when
What the data shows
The most recent childhood immunization state rate of 75.0% in 2023 was an increase from 2019 through 2022 rates but still well below the 2017 state rate of 76.7%. The county with the highest rate in 2023 was Aroostook County at 79.6%. The next two highest counties were Oxford at 79.5% and Franklin at 78.5%. The three lowest counties were Lincoln, Androscoggin, and Piscataquis at 70.0%, 69.8%, and 68.1%, respectively.
Definition and Source
This is called the 4313314 coverage. This includes 4 DTap (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis): 3 IPV (Polio): 1 MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella): 3 Hib (Haemophilus influenza type B): 3 HepB (Hepatitis B): 1 Var (Varicella): 4 PCV (Pneumococcal Conjugate) schedule.
Data Source
Maine Center for Disease Control. Quarterly Child Immunizations click on the county in the map and a report comparing that county to the state data comes up.
Other sources report on 6 vaccines, but the 7 vaccines in the group, " 4313314 coverage." is the standard in Maine. The Maine Immunization Program conducts an immunization assessment on the 1st of each quarter (January, April, July, October) which includes all 2 year-olds in the State of Maine immunization registry, ImmPact, associated to a practice which enters client specific data. This assessment follows the standard Centers for Disease Control and Prevention childhood assessment criteria of 24-35 months of age immunized as of 24 months for the 7 vaccines listed in the definitions section.
Children are counted based on the county of the physicians' practices, In Sagadahoc County for example, children may have their medical care in Brunswick which is Cumberland County, so would be included there.
Other sources report on 6 vaccines, but the 7 vaccines in the group, " 4313314 coverage." is the standard in Maine. The Maine Immunization Program conducts an immunization assessment on the 1st of each quarter (January, April, July, October) which includes all 2 year-olds in the State of Maine immunization registry, ImmPact, associated to a practice which enters client specific data. This assessment follows the standard Centers for Disease Control and Prevention childhood assessment criteria of 24-35 months of age immunized as of 24 months for the 7 vaccines listed in the definitions section.
Children are counted based on the county of the physicians' practices, In Sagadahoc County for example, children may have their medical care in Brunswick which is Cumberland County, so would be included there.
This series is based on the 4th quarter of the calendar year, as annual reports are no longer available. The denominator is all children ages 24 to 35 months as of the last day of December and the numerator is the number of those children who had all 7 vaccinations.
Updated September 2024.
Updated September 2024.
Last Updated
September 2024