Statistics on children, youth and families in Montana from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Montana Budget & Policy Center
Third-graders who scored at or above proficient on statewide English Language Arts assessment (3-year totals) in Montana
Third-graders who scored at or above proficient on statewide English Language Arts assessment (3-year totals)
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Definition and Source
Percent of third grade students who scored at or above proficient on the Smarter Balanced Assessment for English Language Arts. The English Language Arts assessment includes four claims covering Reading, Writing, Research and Inquiry, and Speaking and Listening.
Data Source
Montana Office of Public Instruction
UPDATED - January 2022
GEOGRAPHY - Data reflects the school location, not the student's place of residence.
DATE - Assessments occur during spring of reference year. Years reported match spring of school year. For example, data for 2017-2019 matches totals for school years 2016/17, 2017/18, and 2018/19. Data is aggregated over three years to report data for more counties. LIMITATIONS - Data are not reported for geographies where the number of students 5 or less. In these cases, NA is reported.
NOTE - Data from school year 2019/20 is not available due to disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic. Any 3-year time frame that includes 2020 will not be reported.
GEOGRAPHY - Data reflects the school location, not the student's place of residence.
DATE - Assessments occur during spring of reference year. Years reported match spring of school year. For example, data for 2017-2019 matches totals for school years 2016/17, 2017/18, and 2018/19. Data is aggregated over three years to report data for more counties. LIMITATIONS - Data are not reported for geographies where the number of students 5 or less. In these cases, NA is reported.
NOTE - Data from school year 2019/20 is not available due to disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic. Any 3-year time frame that includes 2020 will not be reported.
Last Updated
May 2020