Statistics on children, youth and families in Maine from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Maine Children's Alliance
High School graduation rates by race and ethnicity
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Why This Indicator Matters
All youth deserve to have access to a quality education. Historically, there have been racial disparities in graduation rates due to many factors, including structural inequality, systemic racism and implicit bias. Students who graduate from high school have higher wages, lower unemployment and are less likely to need public assistance than those who do not graduate. Education Pays
What the data shows
The 2022-2023 overall graduation rate for Maine public high schools was higher than the previous two years at 87.3%, up from 86.1%. Comparing 2022-2023 to 2021-2022, Hispanic students rate improved from 76.1% to 77.7%, and the rate for white students improved from 86.7% to 88.2%. However, the 4-year graduation rate for students who were two or more races declined from 84.3% to 82.3%, and the rate for Black students stayed the same at 81%.
Comparing Maine to the nation, the latest data is 2020-2021, Maine's rates were worse than the US for every race and ethnicity category. For the United States, the 2020-2021 rate of graduation was 74% for Native American, while in Maine it was 71%. For Black/African American students, the rate was 80% in the US compared to 76% that year in Maine. For Hispanic students, it was 82% nationally and 77% in Maine. 89.4% for White, and 92.6% for Asian students. Maine's high school graduation rate in 2019 was higher for Asian at 94.1%, for Native American at 78.5%, and Hispanic at 82.3% and slightly lower for Non-Hispanic white students at 87.9%, and Black/African American at 80.3%.
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What the data shows
The 2022-2023 overall graduation rate for Maine public high schools was higher than the previous two years at 87.3%, up from 86.1%. Comparing 2022-2023 to 2021-2022, Hispanic students rate improved from 76.1% to 77.7%, and the rate for white students improved from 86.7% to 88.2%. However, the 4-year graduation rate for students who were two or more races declined from 84.3% to 82.3%, and the rate for Black students stayed the same at 81%.
Comparing Maine to the nation, the latest data is 2020-2021, Maine's rates were worse than the US for every race and ethnicity category. For the United States, the 2020-2021 rate of graduation was 74% for Native American, while in Maine it was 71%. For Black/African American students, the rate was 80% in the US compared to 76% that year in Maine. For Hispanic students, it was 82% nationally and 77% in Maine. 89.4% for White, and 92.6% for Asian students. Maine's high school graduation rate in 2019 was higher for Asian at 94.1%, for Native American at 78.5%, and Hispanic at 82.3% and slightly lower for Non-Hispanic white students at 87.9%, and Black/African American at 80.3%.
Definition and Source
The percent of youth who graduate in 4 years from public schools and 60% publicly funded private schools. Race & ethnicity is self reported at each high school and is compiled at the state level.
The numerator is the number of students of a particular race who graduated from high school in 4 years and the denominator is the number of students who started high school 4 years earlier.
The numerator is the number of students of a particular race who graduated from high school in 4 years and the denominator is the number of students who started high school 4 years earlier.
Data Source
Maine Dept. of Education Data Warehouse For comparisons to national dat for prior year, see KIDS COUNT High School Graduation Rates by Race & Ethnicity 2020-2021
This data looks at a cohort of students who began ninth grade 4 years prior to see if they graduated within 4 years. Some students graduate in 5 years and 6 years, and this is still a good outcome, but is not counted as graduating in this data about 4-year graduation rates. For example, in 2023, 80.9% of Black students graduated in 4 years, and 85.2% of Black students graduated in 5 years.
Last Updated
April 2024