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Immunizations: Ages 24 months to 35 months, 2014 —2016 in Maine

Immunizations: Ages 24 months to 35 months, 2014 —2016

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Why This Indicator Matters

Vaccines help protect infants, children, and teens from serious diseases. Getting childhood vaccines allows children to develop immunity against diseases before they come into contact with them.
It also helps keep the community safe from these diseases spreading in families, schools, child care and in the broader community.  For more info, see CDC Vaccines- Who and when

What the data shows
In 2016, Washington County  had the highest rate for child immunization, at 90%. Aroostook and Kennebec had rates above 80% at 84% and 82%. The counties with the lowest rates for child immunizations in 2016 were Sagadahoc and Waldo Counties at 57% and 59% respectively.
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Definition and Source



Number and percent of children ages 24 to 35 months who have had all 7 of the necessary vaccinations.
This is called the 4313314 coverage.  This includes 4 DTap (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis): 3 IPV (Polio): 1 MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella): 3 Hib (Haemophilus influenza type B): 3 HepB (Hepatitis B): 1 Var (Varicella): 4 PCV (Pneumococcal Conjugate) schedule. The numerator is the number of children  who have had all recommended vaccinations on schedule. The denominator is the total number of children ages 19 to 35 months in physicians' practices in a particular county .

Data Source

The data is from Maine Center for Disease Control, (Maine CDC) The most recent quarter is posted on the Maine CDC website and click on individual counties. Maine Immunization By County 

The state wide data is also available with a 1 year lag at these sites: , Childvax 7 series   and  Maine CDC Immunization Report    The second link contains rates for each individual vaccine, and the last page has overall data and matches the national site info.  


Other sources report on 6 vaccines, but the 7 vaccines in the group, " 4313314 coverage." is the standard in Maine.The Maine Immunization Program conducts an immunization assessment on the 1st of each quarter (January, April, July, October) which includes all 2 year-olds in the State of Maine immunization registry, ImmPact, associated to a practice which enters client specific data. This assessment follows the standard Centers for Disease Control and Prevention childhood assessment criteria of 24 to 35 months of age immunized as of 24 months for the 7 vaccines listed in the definitions section.   

The number of children in a county refers to the sum of the number of children who are in physicians' practices not to the census total of the number of children. In Sagadahoc County for example, children may have their medical care in Brunswick which is Cumberland County, so would be included there.        

Updated May 2020 

Last Updated

May 2020