Statistics on children, youth and families in Pennsylvania from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children
Child Care Subsidy - Eligibility and enrollment of children under 5 years in Pennsylvania
Child Care Subsidy - Eligibility and enrollment of children under 5 years
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Why This Indicator Matters
[1] The Pennsylvania Key. (2018). Child Care Works (CCW).
[2] Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (2024). Child Care Works (CCW) – Subsidized Child Care Program. Pennsylvania Department of Human Services.
[3] Heckman, J. J. (2011). The Economics of Inequality: The Value of Early Childhood Education. American Educator, 35(1), 31.
[4] Matthews, H., & Schmit, S. (2014). Child Care Assistance Spending and Participation in 2012. Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), Washington, DC.
[5] Bipartisan Policy Center. (2021). The Economic Impact of America’s Child Care Cap.
Definition and Source
The figures represent the number of children under 5 years who are eligible (i.e. have all available parents in the labor force and live below 200% poverty), the number and percent of infants, toddlers and preschool-age children enrolled through the Child Care Works subsidized child care system, and the percent of unserved, eligible children.
Data Source
Last Updated