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Average American College Test (ACT) scores for graduating class by school district in Tennessee

Average American College Test (ACT) scores for graduating class by school district

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Note: Non-consecutive years appear adjacent in the trend line
because one or more years have been deselected.

Definition and Source



Data represent the subject-wise average ACT (American College Test) scores for graduating class. Starting with 2015-16, the average scores are calculated using the highest scores students earn in the three years preceding their graduation only for those students who are counted as graduates for a given school or district. Please note that in prior years the data reflected the most recent scores for students who were expected to graduate in a given year whether they graduated that year or not.

Data Source

Tennessee Department of Education.


From SY 2021-22 the State Board of Education was renamed as Tennessee Public Charter School Commission.
NA = Not Available. State data includes state special schools.

Last Updated

December 2023